
The very first edition of Planting Opinion, “Written by Planters for Planters” was published on 14th September 1895.

The publication was endorsed by UPASI, which utilized space in its columns on association matters. Starting out as a fortnightly along with a weekly supplement that provided market prices of various commodities, including “London” prices, Planting Opinion later became a weekly. Planting Opinion ceased publication with the last weekly issue of December 1902.

The need for UPASI to reach out to its core constituency, the individual district association member, was imperative, and so, in September 1906 was born The Planters’ Chronicle. It started out as a monthly, but was so successful, that in early 1910 it became a weekly, and remained so until 1930 and then to a bimonthly journal during World War II. Currently a monthly journal, the ‘PC’ as it is fondly known, is possibly one of the oldest industry journals in India that has been continuously in print.


Advertisement details per insertion (With effect from April 2015 issue onwards)

Page Position Rate per insertion (Plus 5% GST)
Front Cover Colour 15,000.00
Back Cover Colour 10,000.00
Back Inside Cover Colour 7,500.00
Front Inside Cover Colour 7,500.00

Inside Page B&W Advertisements

Full Page 2,500.00
Half Page 1,375.00
Quarter Page 750.00
Annual Subscription – Rs.350 for UPASI Members; Rs.400 for Non Members For further details, please contact : Phone : 0423-2230270 (Extn: 111) E-Mail :;


(The Best Medium to reach Planters in India)


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